‘I remember my first day in class. I was very shy and uncomfortable with the class environment, but as I saw that my teachers encouraged me, I felt like my fear ran away.’
Sangeeta studies in PEP school and she is a very bright and intelligent student. Her father is a PEP teacher but Sangeeta’s mother never went to school. Sangeeta lives in small village with her family where education is something out of the ordinary. But when Sangeeta’s community saw how she progressed, they realized the importance of receiving an education, and now many children from Sangeeta’s village have started going to school. When Sangeeta was first enrolled in PEP school, she was very scared and had no confidence. She couldn’t speak in front of her class and she was very reluctant to take even small challenges of presenting and reading. One day Sangeeta’s teacher noted this behavior of her and since then encouraged her that she could do anything if she hoped in herself. Gradually Sangeeta tried to take up challenges in her class and made efforts to speak in front of her fellows. The encouragement of her parents and teachers helped her to experience the beautiful skills she had. Now, Sangeeta is the most brilliant student in her class and she can perform any task with great confidence and assurance. Sangeeta is not only a role model for her class but she is also an example for her community. By her determination to promote education in her village she has shown that everyone can live with equality and peace if they believe in revival. Sangeeta is determined to spread the light of education among other people and she is acting as a change agent in her community. There are many PEP students just like Sangeeta who remind us why we exist as an organization, and they are determined to bring change in their life as well as in the lives of others through education. Primary Education Project wants to ensure that the children have everything in order to promote education in their villages. We believe that our teachers and students are change agents. Join us, as we help the poor communities of Sindh to progress, develop, and shine the light of hope!
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